Codnor Parish CouncilOfficial website for Codnor Parish Council.Learn about our services & facilities that we offer or access our online Council documents.Codnor Parish Council is committed to providing quality services for residents - If you need to contact the Parish Council please do so by E-Mail at [email protected]
or by phone to the Clerk (Andrew Sharpe) on 01332 660179. |
'Serving the village of Codnor since 1984'
‘The waste collection teams are doing a fantastic job under extreme pressures, the crews have been faced with some streets being impossible to get the vehicles down due to the number of cars parked as more and more people are staying at home. Whilst the authority is going to send out the attached flyer can all residents try to help wherever possible when parking their cars and vehicles on their streets’
If there are residents in genuine need or vulnerable members of our community needing help or advice - the Parish Clerk can be contacted on 01332 660179 or e mailed on [email protected]
As Clerk I will do my utmost to either provide that help or find someone to help. I will at least try to sign post them to someone or some organisation who can help. Please help get that message out to those in need. Keep safe and positive. Andrew Sharpe Parish Clerk. Dog owners are requested to clean up after their dogs and are given the opportunity of collecting, for FREE, poop scoop bags from various locations in the village. 'SCOOP THAT POOP' FOR FREE - POOP BAGS HOLMFIELD CHEMIST, 1 High Street, Codnor M & C Delicatessen, 26-28 Heanor Road, Codnor, |
The defibrillators at the clock tower and the community and sports building are now registered with the ambulance service and are fully operational. The defibrillator is stored in a locked vandal-proof enclosure inside the kiosk, and when a member of the public calls 999 to report a suspected cardiac arrest the operator will give them the combination to open the enclosure and access the defibrillator. It is simple and safe to use and no training is required as the machine gives clear spoken instructions. |